AI is a tactical weapon in the SEO arms race

Mo Dhaliwal
Skyrocket Digital
Jan 6, 2023
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Jan 6, 2023
AI is a tactical weapon in the SEO arms race
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I “wrote” this article shortly before the explosion of ChatGPT. Since then, I’ve been in touch with colleagues and friends who have used OpenAI and other services to generate everything from lesson plans to research reviews to keynotes for presentations.

I thought it would be interesting to write an article about the use of AI in the world of SEO, using AI. I had a perspective, and I wanted to run some experiments to see how an AI engine would expand on that perspective. Within seconds, I was provided with two variations based on the prompt and guidance.


Topic: Artificial intelligence will increase the velocity of the SEO arms race. Generating SEO content has long been a race to the bottom. This sort of content is easy to spot: long-winded articles, filled with targeted industry jargon, infused with filler in long meandering paragraphs. AI tools such as, and others are reducing the friction to access GPT-3 and the most powerful natural language engines in the world. At best, they'll act as trustworthy apprentices, filling in some labour gaps, and learning as they go. At their worst, these tools will be used as blunt instruments to generate ever more, fluffy and meaningless SEO verbiage, devoid of any unique perspective or new insights.

Tone: witty, professional, cheeky, irreverent, astute, quirky, advanced

Audience: CMOs

Output by robots below.

Output 1: The SEO Arms Race is about to get a lot faster


If you thought the SEO arms race was fast before, just wait until you see what AI is about to do to it. Generating SEO content has always been a race to the bottom, with long-winded articles filled with targeted industry jargon and filler paragraphs being the norm. But now, AI tools such as and are reducing the friction to access GPT-3 and other powerful natural language engines, making it easier than ever to churn out meaningless fluff masquerading as insightful content.

At best, these tools will act as trustworthy apprentices, filling in some labour gaps and learning as they go. At their worst, they'll be used as blunt instruments to pump out even more of the same old, same old SEO verbiage that offers no unique perspective or new insights. Whichever way they're used, one thing is certain: the SEO arms race is about to get a whole lot faster.


The Impact of AI on SEO Content

There's no doubt that AI is going to have a huge impact on the world of SEO content. On the plus side, AI tools can help boost productivity by automating some of the more tedious tasks involved in content creation, such as keyword research and data analysis. This frees up time for writers to focus on developing creative ideas and stories that will really capture readers' attention.

On the downside, however, AI also has the potential to further devalue SEO content by making it even easier to generate low-quality fluff pieces masquerading as insightful writing. After all, if all you need is a few keywords and a dataset, anyone can produce so-called "content" that looks good on paper but offers little in terms of actual value or substance.


Only time will tell how AI will ultimately impact the world of SEO content. However, one thing is certain: the arms race is about to get a lot faster. So if you want your business to stay ahead of the curve, you need to start thinking about how you can use AI tools to your advantage—before your competitors do.

Output 2: How AI is changing the SEO game


If you're in the business of SEO, chances are you're always on the lookout for new tools and tricks to help you rank higher and faster. After all, SEO is a race to the bottom, and the one who gets there first usually wins. But what if there was a way to automate some of the work? Enter artificial intelligence. AI tools like, and others are reducing the friction to access GPT-3 and the most powerful natural language engines in the world. At best, they'll act as trustworthy apprentices, filling in some labor gaps, and learning as they go. At their worst, these tools will be used as blunt instruments to generate ever more, fluffy and meaningless SEO verbiage, devoid of any unique perspective or new insights. So how can you make sure you're using AI to your advantage? Keep reading to find out.


How AI is changing the SEO game

If you're in the business of SEO, chances are you're always on the lookout for new tools and tricks to help you rank higher and faster. After all, SEO is a race to the bottom, and the one who gets there first usually wins. But what if there was a way to automate some of the work? Enter artificial intelligence. AI tools like, and others are reducing the friction to access GPT-3 and the most powerful natural language engines in the world. At best, they'll act as trustworthy apprentices, filling in some labor gaps, and learning as they go. At their worst, these tools will be used as blunt instruments to generate ever more, fluffy and meaningless SEO verbiage, devoid of any unique perspective or new insights. So how can you make sure you're using AI to your advantage? Keep reading to find out.

At their best...

When used correctly, AI can be a powerful tool that can help you save time and energy while still delivering high-quality results. For example, let's say you're writing a blog post about artificial intelligence in SEO. You could use an AI tool like to help generate a list of topics related to your key phrase that you may want to include in your post. This would give you a head start on research so that you can focus your time on writing quality content rather than scrambling to find relevant information. Similarly, if you're short on time but still need to produce high-quality content, an AI tool could be used to generate rough drafts that you can then edit and polish before hitting publish. However, it's important to remember that AI should only be used as a supplement to your own human knowledge and expertise; it's not a replacement for good old-fashioned hard work!

...or their worst

As with anything else in life, there is always potential for abuse when it comes to artificial intelligence tools and SEO content generation. For example, some unscrupulous marketers may use these tools solely for the purpose of cranking out low-quality content filled with keywords in an attempt to game the system. This sort of "black hat" tactics may work in the short run but will ultimately do more harm than good for both your website's reputation and your bottom line. Furthermore, using AI tools carelessly can result in thin or even duplicate content that offers little value to readers other than taking up space on your website. Not only is thisbad for business, but it could also get your site penalized by Google—so beware!


Overall, AI can be a helpful tool when used correctly but should be approached with caution lest it do more harm than good. When used mindfully with complementary human expertise driving its application towards quality outputs rather than gaming search algorithms - there is great potential for success through intelligently automated content generation processes freeing up time otherwise spent on mundane tasks like conducting keyword research or spinning paragraphs filled with filler phrases Carefully consider whether implementing AI into your content marketing strategy makes sense for your organization - not every business will benefit equally from its application within their unique context surrounding competitors , industries , customer segments , etcetera . Asking yourself these tough questions now will save headaches (and maybe even money) down the road.

Hi, human here again.

If you’ve read this far then you will have experienced the fairly basic language level and variations in approach in the two AI-generated versions above. Nothing here is incredibly erudite or groundbreaking, but that will change. We can already integrate more deeply with language processing models to level-up the language (grade school, post-grad, technical, etc.) and the “warmth” of the output that would influence word choices and personality in the narrative building up to a premise. If this had been written by one of our team members, I likely would have sent it back for revisions, asked them to go deeper and site some references — things that I can’t ask the AI to do (yet). However, that’s not the point here. The point is that this was provided in seconds, and immediately overcame the “blank page” effect that often plagues us when we’re trying to actually write an original piece with some unique perspective.

AI for copywriting, used well, won’t entirely replace human intelligence at Skyrocket, just yet. However, it will accelerate our work and unlock more capacity to focus on strategy and insights than ever before.

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